The Future of Tokeativity: Member Summer Survey Results!

By |Published On: August 5, 2021|1.6 min read|

Tokeativity members are a bad ass community of movers and shakers in all different stages of personal and professional development within the plant medicine and feminist movements around the globe. We have found each other because we see the vision of what a different world could look like and we want to make that vision a reality.

Here at Tokeativity HQ, it is a top priority to hear the needs of the community and create spaces for forward momentum, where everyone can connect, create and learn. Together, we are the movement and collaboration is essential! We survey our members twice a year to get feedback on the direction of our efforts and we are so excited to share with you what the feedback was from our Summer 2021 Survey! Check out the results from the first survey that was sent in December of 2020 here and keep reading below for the most recent findings!

We know that CONNECTION is a core need of all humans and during this pivotal time in herstory, Tokeativity is working hard to support the connection of our members. As stated in our Womanifesto, we envision a world in which the cannabis, psychedelic and intersectional feminist movements heal our communities and our Earth and there is a thriving, supportive community for all cannabis loving women to know one another.

About the Author: Tokeativity

Tokeativity is The Global Feminist Community for Active Cannabis Culture We are a global community of active cannabis consumers and business owners that believe in cannabis normalization, equity and empowerment of a modern consumption culture. We connect through creative, social, and political, intersectional feminist forward activities and marketing campaigns that work to create radical, positive change. Participate in the movement and become a supporting member! A portion of our proceeds go to non-profits we care about.

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