BEVIN PODCAST: Samantha Montanaro on Mushroom Medicine, Music and Motherhood

By |Published On: April 20, 2022|0.3 min read|

Bevin interviews Tokeativity co-founder Samantha Montanaro about being a plant healing musician, community builder and international business woman. Sam discusses healing with psilocybin and non-psychedelic mushroom medicine, being a plant maximalist and stuff minimalist, parenting while using plant medicine, and becoming willing to hear the truth revealed to us through the use of plants.

Listen below or check out the podcast HERE

About the Author: Tokeativity

Tokeativity is The Global Feminist Community for Active Cannabis Culture We are a global community of active cannabis consumers and business owners that believe in cannabis normalization, equity and empowerment of a modern consumption culture. We connect through creative, social, and political, intersectional feminist forward activities and marketing campaigns that work to create radical, positive change. Participate in the movement and become a supporting member! A portion of our proceeds go to non-profits we care about.

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