FORBES: Cannabis Leaders Pay Tribute To Unsung Heroes On International Women’s Day by Iris Dorbian

By |Published On: March 4, 2021|0.6 min read|

Women Leaders in Cannabis are plentiful within the Tokeativity community.

In a recent Forbes article, “Cannabis Leaders Pay Tribute To Unsung Heroes On International Women’s Day by Iris Dorbian”, 3 Tokeativity members were interviewed;

Amanda Freidman, head of professional services at Backbone, a Tokeativity Business Member

Kristin Murr-Sloat, co-owner of AlpinStash, and former co-host of our Toking Hour Canna Moms sesh specifically mentions the Tokeativity community in her interview.

And Libby Cooper, President of Space Coyote and guest speaker at the 2021 Psychedelics & Plant Medicine Tokeativity Social.

So many amazing women leaders within the cannabis space are mentioned in this article, be sure to give it a read!

About the Author: Tokeativity

Tokeativity is The Global Feminist Community for Active Cannabis Culture We are a global community of active cannabis consumers and business owners that believe in cannabis normalization, equity and empowerment of a modern consumption culture. We connect through creative, social, and political, intersectional feminist forward activities and marketing campaigns that work to create radical, positive change. Participate in the movement and become a supporting member! A portion of our proceeds go to non-profits we care about.

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