THE HIGH GUIDE PODCAST: Take a Bite Out of a Bad Edible Experience Go There with Gummies

By |Published On: September 20, 2021|0.6 min read|

Many people have a story when it comes to cannabis edibles – and it’s not a positive one. But should we let one bad experience forever shape our perception of cannabis? Take a bite out of the bad edible experience in this episode of The High Guide, where we explore the world of accidental ingestion – and the proper labeling and dosage that makes those incidents avoidable.

After listening to this episode you will have a better understanding of…

  • Dosing with cannabis gummies

  • The best weed gummy brands

  • Avoiding overdosing with weed edibles

  • Significance of how gummies are made on your cannabis high


Kimberly Dillon, Frigg CBD | @kimberlykdillon

Lisa Snyder, Tokeativity | @lisalibra

Devika Maskey, TSO Sonoma | @dm333

Learn more about this episode, here

About the Author: Tokeativity

Tokeativity is The Global Feminist Community for Active Cannabis Culture We are a global community of active cannabis consumers and business owners that believe in cannabis normalization, equity and empowerment of a modern consumption culture. We connect through creative, social, and political, intersectional feminist forward activities and marketing campaigns that work to create radical, positive change. Participate in the movement and become a supporting member! A portion of our proceeds go to non-profits we care about.

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