Portland Mercury: “Budtender Boot Camp – Emma Chasen Is on a Mission to Educate Budtenders” by Josh Jardine

By |Published On: July 5, 2017|0.5 min read|

“On July 29, Chasen will run a cannabis science workshop through Tokeativity that will be a three-hour-long workshop for womxn and non-binary people only. “This class will be a much broader overview of cannabis evolution and how cannabis affects us biochemically,” she says. “I love the opportunity to empower womxn with science and to share in a safe space with people who may feel too intimidated to sign up for the full Budtender Boot Camp series.” Sign up for Chasen’s workshop for womxn at tokeativity.com.”

See full article online at the Portland Mercury, here.

About the Author: Lisa Snyder


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