CIVILIZED LIFE “Should CBD Supplement a Child’s Vitamin Routine?” by Diana-Ashley Krach

By |Published On: March 11, 2019|1.4 min read|

However, while the CBD boom would have us thinking it’s a panacea for every possible ailment, there’s been a great deal of controversy over giving CBD to children: Schools are threatening to charge children with misdemeanors for possessing it, Child Protective Services are challenging parents’ custody for giving their kids CBD oil, and still other parents have been duped by snake oil retailers masquerading their products as healing solutions.


In the 1600s, North American landowners were indeed required to grow hemp, so it was a regular part of everyone’s diet. Because hemp was so widespread, its compounds were thus present in breastmilk. Samantha Montanaro, co-founder and COO of Tokeativity, believes that CBD can enhance a child’s life; she says the fact that hemp was a daily part of our lives for so long gives her confidence in making CBD a part of her family’s diet.

“In my family we eat hemp hearts, add fresh cannabis leaves in smoothies, and use CBD bath products and tinctures,” she says. “As we start to learn more about how our endocannabinoid system and cannabinoid deficiency affects how we absorb other nutrients, we can possibly adjust what our multivitamin intake is. But, for now, I am not supporting replacing multivitamins with CBD — they should work in conjunction with one another.”

To read the full article about CBD for Kids, head over to Civilized’s website.

About the Author: Lisa Snyder

Lisa Snyder
Lisa Snyder is the Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of Tokeativity, The Global Feminist Community for Active Cannabis Culture. She is a feminist and plant medicine advocate with over 25 years of digital strategy experience and has passionately supported the self-healing revolution through consumption and plant medicine advocacy. She has been recognized for her work in Forbes, Rolling Stone, Condé Nast Traveler, Yahoo! Finance, The Guardian, MJ Lifestyle, Travel Portland, Dope Magazine, Civilized, Magnetic Magazine, Willamette Week, and Time Out New York among others. After losing both parents to cancer in her 20’s, she passionately partnered her community building, feminist event planning, and web skills with fellow event planner, cannabis entrepreneur and community builder, Samantha Montanaro, to create Tokeativity in 2016.

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