CIVILIZED – “DIY Bath Soaks, Tarot, and Weed: Women Embrace Ultimate Girl Time at Tokeativity’s “Glitter & Gold”” by Mary Jane Gibson
In an era when everyone is glued to their phones — clicking, liking, rarely looking up — sharing cannabis is a simple way to connect in real life. It encourages you to pop your screen into your pocket, ease your tech neck, breathe, and savor the present moment.
So, on a sunny afternoon in December, I was really looking forward to unplugging from virtual social networks, getting high, and instead plugging into a real network at Glitter & Gold, an all women’s affair, hosted by Tokeatvity. As I hopped out of my Lyft at a private home near Los Angeles’ Miracle Mile, I could hear music and laughter drifting down the driveway, along with the sweet smell of good herb. I ambled into a courtyard strung with twinkly lights, where women decked out in sequins and all kinds of glam were chatting, snacking, puffing and passing vapes and joints.
Read the entire article over on Civilized’s website!