Tokeativity Rhode Island Leader, Sheri Lupoli Date: July 9 Time: 6-7pm Eastern Place: ONLINE RSVP for login details and password Cost: FREE FOR TOKEATIVITY BUSINESS & GRASSROOTS MEMBERS Basic Members: Pay what you can, sliding scale $0 - $25
A portion of the proceeds will go to National Bail Out
The Tokeativity Rhode Island Toking Hour is a place for our community to come together
to discuss current events and needs of our community in Rhode Island.
Agendas, as they are created, will be posted along the way.
Toking Hours are hosted by our Tokeativity leaders in various cities in our network.
These consumption friendly online meetings are an hour long opportunity for leaders to nurture relationships in their community
and those who want to support or make connections in a particular region.
Experiences may include discussions on local, national or international topics, guest speakers, or just hanging out and connecting together.
A portion of all proceeds will be going to National Bail Out, a Black-led and Black-centered collective of
abolitionist organizers, lawyers and activists building a community-based movement
to "support our folks" and end systems of pretrial detention and ultimately mass incarceration.
Easy and accessible opportunities to sponsor an event, including landing page thank yous, website links and logos can be found during checkout!
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