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Marijuana Moment: VP Kamala Harris says cannabis isn’t a “gateway drug” (Newsletter: June 6, 2024)


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Anti-marijuana banking amendment; NH legalization; FL cannabis campaign ad; OH license apps; NJ psilocybin poll; Alcohol group: Regulate hemp

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Vice President Kamala Harris slammed the idea that marijuana is a “gateway drug” in a new interview and seemed shocked to learn there’s a “Kamala Kush” cannabis strain named after her—though she misstated the criminal justice impact of rescheduling.

Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC) indicated he will file an amendment to remove marijuana banking protections from a key spending bill because “our country has never allowed a federally illegal activity to be banked”—adding that cannabis is “dangerous” and “causes irreparable harm.”

New Hampshire senators on a marijuana legalization conference committee said they are willing to accept some House proposals but still need more time to consider others. The bicameral panel only has until Thursday to reach a final deal.

The Florida campaign seeking to pass a marijuana legalization initiative on the November ballot released a new TV ad featuring a mom who says currently illegal cannabis is “produced by criminals and can be laced with dangerous drugs like fentanyl.”

  • The legalization measure, in contrast, “gives adults access to legal, safe marijuana.”

The Ohio Division of Cannabis Control posted application materials for medical marijuana businesses that want to begin serving the new recreational market.

A poll found that New Jersey adults support legalizing medical use of psilocybin, 55 percent to 20 percent. The result comes ahead of a Thursday vote in the Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee on a bill to create a licensed psilocybin services program while more broadly legalizing the psychedelic.

Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America sent a letter urging congressional leaders to take “critical action to ensure that intoxicating hemp products sold across the country are safe for consumers”—including enacting “clear federal rules and regulations that define intoxicating hemp compounds and to grant states the authority to regulate these products within their borders.”

A new study published by the American Medical Association found that while more than three-quarters of marijuana consumers “reported using cannabis to manage a health symptom, very few patients identified as medical cannabis users.”

  • “Most patients reported that they used cannabis to manage symptoms including stress and pain.”

An Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission official said that even though some growers are “preparing to harvest their first crops,” they are “faced with the uncertainty of when that product can be sold to patients” due to ongoing litigation holding up dispensary licenses.


The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking White House Office of Management and Budget permission for a data collection effort on hemp production and disposition.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), when he served as Kentucky’s agriculture commissioner, reportedly helped a campaign donor obtain imported Chinese hemp seeds that later grew plants containing illegally high levels of THC.

Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) tweeted, “Last night, I mistakenly voted NO on an appropriations amendment that would allow veterans to access state medical marijuana programs. I want to set the record straight: I strongly support this amendment.”

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) said she’s “pleased” that a key funding bill was filed by a House subcommittee without a longstanding provision blocking Washington, D.C. from legalizing recreational marijuana sales.

The House marijuana banking bill got one new cosponsor for a total of 123.

The House bill to require the Department of Veterans affairs to study medical cannabis got one new cosponsor for a total of two.


The Tribal Council of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, located within North Carolina, is expected to consider rules allowing recreational marijuana sales on Thursday.

Oklahoma regulators adopted emergency medical cannabis rules.

Missouri regulators posted the results of a random lottery drawing to award marijuana microbusiness licenses.

The Rhode Island Department of Labor is funding a cannabis training program.

Montana regulators sent reminders about marijuana worker permits and other issues.

Washington State officials sent an update on a program to “get money into the communities most harmed by the war on drugs.”

Oregon regulators are accepting applications to serve on psilocybin rules advisory committees.

Michigan regulators are asking marijuana businesses to complete a survey about enforcement practices.

The California Cannabis Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday.

The New York Cannabis Control Board will meet on Tuesday.

Marijuana Moment is tracking more than 1,500 cannabis, psychedelics and drug policy bills in state legislatures and Congress this year. Patreon supporters pledging at least $25/month get access to our interactive maps, charts and hearing calendar so they don’t miss any developments.
Learn more about our marijuana bill tracker and become a supporter on Patreon to get access.


New York City’s mayor said he believes”there’s a professional operation behind this that is supplying the same products” to unlicensed marijuana businesses throughout the city.

Minneapolis, Minnesota’s mayor issued a proclamation declaring June 8 to be “Hemp Beverage Day.”


An Australian senator is pledging to keep pushing to pass a cannabis legalization bill despite its rejection by a key committee.

The Irish Oireachtas Committee on Drugs Use is expected to produce interim reports on drug policy issues.

Alberta, Canada is moving to allow private label cannabis products.


A review concluded that “CBD shows promise in reducing immune cell recruitment and cytokine storms in organs affected by SARS-CoV2.

A study of mice found that cannabis oil “promotes social behavior by acting on oxytocin pathways.”


The Minnesota Catholic Conference published pastoral guidance on marijuana use.


SHF Holdings, Inc., d/b/a/ Safe Harbor Financial launched a new small cannabis business line of credit program.


Actor Dave Coulier said he chose his “Full House” character Joey Gladstone’s name as a marijuana joke.

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