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Eugene, Oregon Cannabis Job:Ep. 31: XJ-13, The Giggly Pot.


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The strain to smile.


XJ-13 is the giggly pot! It produces a moderately intoxicating, energizing, happy high without anxiety - a great strain for novice or experienced consumers. 

Transcript below.




Host & co-creator: April Pride
Co-creator: Ellen Lee Scanlon
Producer: Nick Patri
Marketing manager: Madi Fair
Special thanks: Lo Friesen of Heylo Cannabis; Jeffrey Raber, PhD and Colin Montgomerie of the Werc Shop, Nick Jikomes, PhD, of Leafly


April Pride: This podcast discusses cannabis and is intended for audiences 21 and over. One of my favorite questions from our listeners, is there a giggly pot? Yes. And get ready to laugh as if possessed by a version of yourself without a to-do list. Welcome to Saturday Strains, I'm your host, April Pride, and I'll be your high guide each Saturday as we move through the 12 essential cannabis strains that every woman should have in her stash. If you haven't already, please listen to the three short Saturday Strains explained episodes to learn more about how cannabis is a lot like another substance we can count on to change our outlook, wine.

April Pride: In each episode, you can expect more weed hacks. And remember we'll guide you from less intoxicating strains that are nearly all CBD to strains with increasingly higher THC levels. Today's strain, XJ-13 delivers a smooth energizing high. And for those following along in the series, today's strain does not contain the terpene limonene, so it's a great alternative to last week's strain Cinex. XJ-13 is energizing, but without the potential for anxiety that the terpene limonene is known to induce for some. Let's count down five things about this strain, XJ-13.

April Pride: Number one, what does it help with? Anxiety, socializing, motivation like exercise. Number two, how high will I get? XJ-13 produces a moderately intoxicating energizing high that will not induce paranoia, making it great for novice consumers. Number three, how will it make me feel? Be gone stress and bad moods. This is a daytime friendly strain that tapers down to a chill, peaceful sense of well-being. Your body will feel pain-free and light and your thoughts will be clear and calm.

April Pride: XJ-13 is a hybrid cross of two strains, Jack Herer and G13 Haze. Jack Herer pronounced like terror is a high energy strain that is a favorite to many, much like the legendary cannabis advocate it's named for. If you've listened to our strains explain number two, why is weed different state to state, you've heard the term landrace strains. G13 is rumored to have the equivalent of a royal heritage with its landrace strain parents of Acapulco Gold and Afghani. Why does this matter to how you feel?

April Pride: Acapulco Gold is reputed to be one of the best strains ever cultivated due to its perfect cerebral high. Afghani is the source genetics for some of the most beloved strains widely available on the market today. Some of these Afghani descendants include Chemdawg, Trainwreck, Chocolope and Northern Lights, just to name a few. Number four, why do women love it? Because laughing really, really hard is good for us all, so is feeling your cheeks hurt from so much smiling.

April Pride: Number five, what will it inspire? XJ-13 stimulates conversation albeit lighter in spirit, though, don't take this to say you'll be light on words and thoughts, quite the opposite. Stories flow easily, and the conversation is creative, thoughtful and fun. You'll feel like being around friends, old and new, taking a hike on a beautiful day or even streaming a yoga class that you can do in your closet, or in the middle of all the toys. But somehow, XJ-13 makes you drop in and it'll get your mind and body moving together.

April Pride: And some parting words, please reserve judgment if a strain we recommend doesn't work for you, you haven't failed and neither have we. In fact, haven't gotten it wrong, you're one step closer to your right high. You didn't quit drinking on a Long Island iced tea as your first bar drink turned out to be a wrong move, right? Send us a DM to @dothepot or to me directly @AprilPride and let us know how this strain worked for you.

April Pride: Thank you for listening to Saturday Strains from the High Guide, every woman's cannabis handbook. Check us out online at dothepot.com. Special thanks to New York based Her Highness and its co-founder Laura Eisman, who first introduced me to XJ-13. Also, thanks to Lo Friesen who vetted our strains list. We'd also like to thank Jeffrey Raber, PhD and Colin Montgomerie of the The Werc Shop. As well as Nick Jikomes, PhD of Leafly for schooling us on strains. Thanks to my co-founder Ellen Scanlon, Madi Fair, our marketing manager and our producer, Nick Patri. I'm April Pride and we'll be back soon with more of How to Do the Pot.

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