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Eugene, Oregon Cannabis Job:How “Out” Are You About Weed?


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Are you loud and proud about your love for weed? Or, maybe just a few close friends know? Or, maybe you’re still hiding in the closet taking secret puffs whenever you get a second alone?

There’s no right way to come out about your cannabis use. Everybody’s experience is different and everyone’s got their own battles (self-imposed or otherwise) to fight. But as we move to de-stigmatize the plant and—on a larger level, fight for our collective right to access experiences that expand our minds, heal our bodies, and deepen our connection with nature, ourselves, and each other, it’s important to talk freely about why we’re cannabis fans. Not just because it empowers others to do the same or to ask questions without shame, but because we also owe it to the people who are unjustly behind bars for a plant many of us consume with impunity. Normalizing weed is the first step to righting those wrongs—and legalizing it for everyone.

But as with so many things, being out about weed is easier said than done—whether you live in a legal state or not. So, we asked you—our Miss Grass community—who you tell about your cannabis use and why. Here’s to hoping sharing and hearing each other’s stories will remind us that we’re all in this together.


I share my love for the plant with everyone in my life—except my boyfriend’s family. My boyfriend and I have been dating for about three years and he knows I am a daily consumer. However, whenever we go to his family’s house, I completely hide that side of me, going as far as sneaking around the side of the house to get a toke or secretly hitting a pen in the bathroom. I’ll even hide my IG story from his family when I know I’m gonna post about cannabis consumption. I wish I was able to be transparent with them like I am with my entire family, but they’re just much more conservative than my family is.”


I’m working on finding better ways to talk about smoking with my friends. I’m actively thinking through how to position it. I use cannabis recreationally and it helps boost my creativity, so I’d really like to highlight its benefits across its full spectrum. I also make a conscious effort to call it what it is—cannabis—to try and reclaim the word’s power. I try and celebrate my use and am trying to make it more public that I’m a “weed” smoker. I really want to change the narrative with people close to me—and for myself.”


I make an effort to share my love for the plant to those skeptical of her. Those who already love her are the ones I encourage to share their feelings to those who don’t. There’s a particular pleasure in seeing someone discovering that first laugh, because you know in that moment that it won’t be the last.”


Loud and proud. Lifetime smoker who now smokes for medical reasons as well. No shame here. I don’t hide my stash and I speak about it as part of my lifestyle and part of who I am. It’s legal where I live and it’s just part of life.”


I used to be so self-conscious about smoking cannabis. I was raised with parents who believed that weed makes turns you into a mindless stoner. It took me so long to be open and unashamed about consuming a plant that helps me so much and allows me to fully live my life. I love weed: it gives me energy, calm-ness, and makes me wayyy more productive. I’m now a proud stoner who will tell anyone about how much better my life has been since I started smoking and stopped caring so much about stereotypes.”


My parents still don’t know I smoke. I’m 24, engaged, and living in Oregon. It’s medicine for me. I smoke everyday—it’s aided in my anxiety, depression, and eating disorder. This stuff is the tits. And I tell everyone about it. Well almost; not my family. I don’t know. I guess it’s still associated with bad shit for people who refuse to educate themselves. Like many other things.”


It’s how my husband and I met almost 7 years ago in college. It has been our bond ever since then to learn about the plant—to enjoy tons of love together finding the benefits of THC and CBD through different consumption and topical methods. (CBD massages for the win!) We attend local cannabis meetups and research support organizations. My hubby just started learning to grow, while I am learning to implement the lovely herb into my yoga classes, accessible for all. The journey continues to where this leads our love next.”


I share my cannabis love with my boyfriend. It’s not an everyday thing for us—we know our limits and when to take breaks, and we respect that. Weed just helps me detangle and relax, especially after work: my boyfriend gets a joint ready, we’ll make a meal, get naked and watch Real Housewives of Atlanta.”


I share my love for the plant with good friends from all the way back to high school as well as with friends who are new to the experience. I’m 36. I love imparting my knowledge—I got geeky into cannabis—and figuring out how the plant might help them, too. I’m also pretty public now about my cannabis usage as I’m striving to be an advocate for removing the stigma associated with it and fight to get folks out of prison who are there unjustly for marijuana related charges.”


Everyone. I don’t hide it all. I’m open about it in business meetings, with my previously against-it-mom, friends, and whoever cares to listen. I smoke weed and I’m proud. It’s the bedrock of my businesses as well; cannabis informs my whole life and has improved mine and my family’s lives in every way. Our THC oil even helped shrink my cousin’s breast cancer tumors and that’s why she’s alive today.”


I share my love for the plant with everyone. Family included. Everyone can benefit from the plant so why not share my experience to help educate others?!”


About a year ago I was introduced to weed for the first time by a trusted friend in a comfortable and safe space. I was always too anxious to try it, and now I am glad I said no to drugs during my formative years. It would have been a bad experience. Weed has been a healthy gateway for me to learn how to get out of my brain (where I usually live) and into my body (something I had become completely numb to). And for that I’m very grateful.”


I’m quite open about it. Weed is a big big part of my mental health and stability. My lover and close friends are also smokers. But I keep the grey area with family. Even though my parents are quite open, this is still something they have a hard time understanding. I guess it’s generational stigma—and France is definitely very late to the game.”


Despite all the prohibitions and stigma, I like to talk openly about cannabis and my personal use to anyone. It is so important to change the way we look at cannabis. I don’t want future generation to grow up believing it’s a crime and that it’s harmful, because that’s a lie! I’m proud to somehow educate others—in-laws, friends, relatives—with what I can. Sharing experiences is a great way of showing others that cannabis, when done right, isn’t the villain most still think it is.”


I do not lie to anyone, but not everyone needs to know my choice in medicine.”


I’m selective about how much I share my love for weed. My social circle and immediate family always knew, but professionally I kept it under wraps. Now that I’m a stay at home mom, I’ve traded professional discretion for parental discretion. It’s one of those conversations that’s hard to even start without knowing where other parents stand. I don’t want stigma about marijuana to affect the opportunities we have to engage with the local parent community, or distance my daughter from friendships she might otherwise enjoy. I definitely experience stress around this issue and wish there was a faster way to abate the stigmas and clear marijuana’s name in the eyes of the public.”


I’ve been out formally to friends, family, and professionally for 7 years, but out socially for 17 years. The turning point was with my mother: I outed myself to her and it concluded with me getting her high for her first time. She was in her 60’s. Now she loves THC and CBD and has been opioid-free for nearly 3 years!”


The ambiguity of being a Christian white woman in the Bible Belt who loves her weed for its medical effects and sees the stigma of it prevents me from being 100% honest with all those in my life. I know how I affect others—marijuana aids in my grounding and hyperawareness—and I know the effect it would cause if they knew. But hey, it’s okay… at least I’m high and aware of it!”


I am open when the topic comes up but I don’t gallop into family reunions proclaiming, I love weed! My children know it’s ma’s medicine and I share about it on insta. I’ve never really had anyone shove their own opinion down my throat so it’s not a huge controversial topic for me, thankfully. I’m prepared to back it up, though. When I’m pregnant, I always share with my providers if I am consuming cannabis. It is important they know every detail so we know everyone is safe. I’ve raised 3 children aged 2, 5, and 11—all while consuming cannabis and they are all so amazingly smart and such good kids.”


I love cannabis: it helps me in so many ways. I recently got my medical card to help my anxiety. I’ve been smoking for almost 10 years and I prefer it over drinking and taking medicine. I’ve only had positive experiences and I wish it wasn’t labeled a thing. I honestly do get scared of losing my job or judgement from coworkers because I smoke; it feels like I can’t be open and honest with them.”


The post How “Out” Are You About Weed? appeared first on Miss Grass.

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