Place:ONLINE - RSVP for login details and password Cost: Free for Tokeativity Corporate, Business & Grassroots Members (Upgrade Your Membership) Basic Members:Pay what you can, sliding scale $0 - $25
Coined "A Beehive of Actives" by Rolling Stone, the Tokeativity® Social features 1-on-1 business speed networking,
educational sessions, workshops, guest speakers and themed community sesh rooms.
Meet and network with other cannabis loving feminists from across the globe.
Listen in or join the live conversation via chat, audio or video!
Purchase a logo or link during registration for this or future events
Block 2 (4:25 - 5:05pm)
Business Speed Networking
CBD Cocktails for Tea Lovers
with Fallon Keplinger, Founder of Rose Glow Tea Room
Bridges: Conversations about Race, Equity & Inclusion
with Mskindness B. Ramirez, Founder of Club Kindness TV
& Tiffany Watkins, Founder of Vanguard Media Online
Community Open Mic & Toke with Casey Wiser, Tokeativity COO
Block 3 (5:10 - 5:50pm)
"From Wine Mom to Cannamom" Live Interview
with Andrea Beaulieu, Founder of Studio Linear
"What's the difference between CBD, CBN & CBG?"
with Chef Megon Dee, Founder & CEO of Oracle Wellness Co.
Business Open Mic and Toke
with Brittany Parker, Founder & CEO of A Green Legacy
Yoga to Awaken Your Inner Goddess
with Skittlez, Founder of Undiscovered Awakenings