Tokeativity is the global feminist cannabis community for active cannabis culture. We host experiential community events that focus on empowerment, cannabis and plant medicine normalization and consumption culture through creative, social, political, and feminist forward activities in local chapters across the globe.
Lean into the leap year and learn more about psilocybin with the Tokeativity community and invited allies. Wear anything that makes you gets you in the psychedelic mood!
First 25 members to register will receive a free gift at the door
Special guests and fun include:
Say hello to our friends at Evolvd! @evolvdcannabis
Learn about nature with Portland Psychedelic Society! @portlandpsychedelic
Sip on beverages from APRCH! @drinkaprch
Get to know your grower with Rosebud Growers! @rosebudgrowers
Craft a psychedelic nightlight with Amy Mothercraft! @amymothercraft
Check out the beautiful designs of Slight Vision Studios! @slightvisionstudios
Take part in the first podcast episode of "Ask a Witch" with Jenna Bowers! @thewaywitch
Set your chakras with Vilette! @viletteveda
Loosen up your bod with the Adam Andrews Experiment! @theadamandrewsexperiment
Get your mind right with Reiki Says Relax!
Read your future in tarot with Elevated Phoenix! @elevatedphoenix_
Photos by Ashley Mack! @ashley_mack
Dj stylings by @carynane
Email us if you'd like to sponsor or get involved:
Join us!
Date: Sat, Feb 29, 2020 Time: 7-10pm Place: Private location in SE Portland Register for address and event details