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FREE CLASS: Raising Money for Your Startup with Sara Batterby

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Raising money from angel investors is often a critical step in the founder journey, yet there is little in the way of tactical support, or clearly defined methodology, to support this area of work. Founders can feel unprepared or intimidated by a project that, more than any other, requires competence and confidence.

Courting Angels: A Tactical Guide To Raising Money For Your Startup is a concise workshop designed to demystify this process and provide a step by step approach for entrepreneurs tasked with raising capital to grow. It is based on a unique, proven and teachable methodology that has delivered unparalleled results for founders who have used it.



Sara Batterby, Principal. Sara has spent 20 years launching and building companies in high growth emerging markets. She also designed and co-founded an angel fund in Silicon Valley to deliver a more data-driven and disciplined approach to early stage investing. This confluence of experience makes her uniquely qualified to support the fundraising process with a clear understanding of the needs and expectations of the early stage investor. Sara speaks to entrepreneurs and investors around the country on raising capital and early stage risk.



  1. Courting Angels - Raising Money for Your Startup with Sara Batterby

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