Submit Your Story

Are you a woman who has worked in cannabis? Have you had experiences in the cannabis space that you wish were different? Have you been sexually harassed? Talked down to? Seen or experienced working conditions that you perceived to be unethical? Been the victim of or have seen violence or sexual assault?

Help Tokeativity and the Ethical Cannabis Alliance gather stories about the ethical issues that surround women in the cannabis workplace. Your stories and wisdom will directly affect the content of fair labor standards the ECA brings to market.

Submit anonymously, or if you wish for us to contact you back, provide your information for possible followup.

  • Have you survived mistreatment in the cannabis space or have you been incarceration for possession? Submit your story to MJ Lifestyle. Limited to 700 words / 1400 characters.
  • You can make up a name OR put first name and last initial.
  • 100% optional. Only put your info here if you would like us to contact you back for possible followup.